Bulk Actions In Google Tag Manager

Google has released a new feature “Bulk Actions” in Google Tag Manager. This feature has made a lot of things easier in Google Tag Manager for developers and marketers.

Now you can select multiple tags and add more trigger to multiple tags at once (or exceptions). You can even remove triggers (or exceptions) from tags.

You must be thinking how it is useful?

When you are managing 100-200 tags, this feature comes handy, you can easily add, remove or add/remove expectations from the tags in GTM.

Available actions change depending on the type of item, check the official documentation about bulk actions.

Edit triggersedit buttonTags
Pausepause buttonTags
Unpauseresume buttonTags
Move to folderfolder buttonTags, triggers, variables, clients
Deletedelete buttonTags, triggers, variables, clients, zones, templates

How Bulk Actions Works in Google Tag Manager

First, open the container in which you want to do Bulk Actions. Enter into Tags sections and select all the tags you want to update with new triggers, then click on the icon before the pause button.

Bulk Actions in GTM Tutorials 01

In the overlay window, you will see all the triggers for the tags. You will see some of the checkboxes have a different state. Also Read About Cross-Domain Google Ads Conversion via GTM Using Conversion Linker

A box with a minus symbol means trigger was found in few tags. An empty box means triggers have been removed from all the tags.
A box with a blue ticks means triggers have been added to all the tags.

Bulk Actions in GTM Tutorials 2

In the below image, as you can see I have added an exception to all pages triggers.

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Once you have saved the bulk action, in the Tags sections you can see the exceptions has been added to the following tags which we have selected.

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Moving all tags to the folder is easy and simple. Select all the tags and press the move icon in the header section.

Then create a new folder if you haven’t created. Then select the folder and all your selected tags will move to the selected folder.

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Tada! you have successfully moved all the tags to the folder.


All these new updates are really a time-saver for many developer and marketer. You can easily edit tricks, pause tags and deleting all the tags and trigger are easy.

Managing a large account is easy now as you don’t have to all tags one by one. We will see more enhancement like this in the future. Let us know your thought about this.

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